
Monday, January 25, 2010

Sketch Of The Day Contest


 Bonjour my beautiful friends! This post is to remind you of the great contest I have running until February 3rd. Almost everyday I post a Sketch Of The Day, and I notice that these particular posts tend to get the most attention, so I only felt it was appropriate to run a contest on your Sketch Of The Day fave!

What Does The Winner Receive?
The Winner Receives a custom fashion illustration from me. All I need is a rough sketch of your design idea, and I will make it come to life! The winner will also be featured on here with a bio, lovely head shot, and other pertinent details about the design idea.

How Do You Enter To Win?

This part is simple, all you need to do is comment under you favorite Sketch Of The Day feature or several features (That's right! Multiple submissions will be accepted.) If you are a Facebook fan already, you may do so under the Sketch Of The Day photo album. If your not a fan, you can comment on here, but we always love new fans so join us! :)

How Will I know If I Won?

The Winner will be announced February 4th, 2010 after 12:00 AM. After the announcement the winner will be contacted via email or private message. After the initial email confirmation, the sketching will be underway! I can't wait to see all of your comments!

Good Luck My Friends!

Since the tender age of twelve, Schaumin Chanel Alexander has been creating fashion illustrations, and designing womens wear apparel. Shortly after graduating college with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Design & Marketing, she began freelancing her talents. SchauminChanel is the main designer and chief operator of Creative Conceptz Ltd., a company dedicated to freelance fashion design.


Fashion Fairies said...

I love this idea

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Say whats on your mind, we'd love to know!