I will keep you guys updated during my entrepreneurial pursuits, and continue to inform you with all of my graphic/fashion design secrets. I am currently creating new helpful tutorials for my fellow art-lovers and designers, and I will publish my portfolio for all of my prospective freelance clients. My heart and entire being has always been in fashion design, but naturally I have diversified my portfolio with graphic art as well. I promise I will do my best at staying current, and helping you all out as much as I can with my articles, tutorials and discussions. If you all have any requests, feel free to email me => info.creativeconceptz@gmail.com
Fashionably Yours,
Since the tender age of twelve, Schaumin Chanel Alexander has been creating fashion illustrations, and designing Womens wear apparel. Shortly after graduating college with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Design & Marketing, she began freelancing her talents. SchauminChanel is the main designer and chief operator of Creative Conceptz Ltd., a company dedicated to freelance fashion design.
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